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Аннотация: The phenomenon of the funerary sculptures is certainly the most remarkable expression of the archaic culture in the mid Adriatic context and it includes several funerary sculptures made of local limestone, dating between the 6 th and the 5 th centuries BC. 2 .However, it must be clear that the use of monumental tombstones in form of simple babtyli, that is rough mbnhir used as sbmata (markers) of the most monumental tombs, is already attested in the cemetery of Scurcola Marsicana since the 7 th century BC 3 .These funerary sculptures seem to be typical of the 'Mid-Adriatic' area, intending with this term the area of the modern regions known as Abrueeo, southern Marche and Molise, which were part of the 'paleo-Sabellian' cultural koinb between the 6 th and the 5 th centuries BC.They were representing important local figures or chiefs, attesting a socially differentiated society of Archaic Abrueeo (Fig. 1); and they were not used only for a phenomenon of 'heroieation', which is widely attested in Archaic Mediterranean contexts, especially in association with tumuli, but also for remarking role and status of the dead person.Another interesting and important element for these sculptures is the presence of inscriptions, which are among the most representative linguistic samples of this cultural context. 4 These sculptures can be organised into three different groups: the first two including stblai with sculptures in relief, i.e. tombstones bearing in relief part of the figure or the complete figure, and the third proper 'statues'. 5 The most ancient example of the first group comes from Guardiagrele (A in Fig. 1): it consists of an anthropomorphic stele with the face realieed in a very low relief and wearing two orientalieing kardiophylakbs, which are incised on the breast and on the back, joined with a belt with geometric 1 Director of the CAAM (Centro di Ateneo di Archeometria e Micronalisi), Università G. d'Annuneio of Chieti-Pescara. 2 Examples of these tombstones have been found at Rapino, Guardiagrele, Collelongo, Loreto Aprutino,
Год издания: 2020
Источник: Frankfurter elektronische Rundschau zur Altertumskunde
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