Additions to the type collection of Cruciferae Juss. (Brassicaceae Burnett) of Siberia and Russian Far East kept in Herbarium of V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute (LE)
Аннотация:A complete set of the type specimens of Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) of Siberia and Far East stored in the Komarov Botanical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences was investigated. Previously uncounted samples of 130 taxa from 23 genera have been identified. Lectotypification of 119 taxa is done in the paper. Most valuable contribution into the study of Siberian and the Far Eastern Cruciferae biodiversity was made by the works of N. A. Busch (genera Arabis, Draba, Erysimum, Nasturtium), E. Regel (Alyssum, Arabis, Barbarea, Cardamine, Draba, Rorippa, Parrya, Smelowskia), R. Pohle (Draba) and C. A. Meyer (Arabis, Barbarea, Cardamine, Draba, Lepidium).