Part 3: Evidence Evaluation Processстатья из журнала
Аннотация: proposed topic, which facilitated the literature search, guided the accurate allocation of the LOEs, and identified areas of overlap (eg, in-hospital versus prehospital, during arrest versus after arrest, cardiac arrest versus hemodynamic instability, adult versus pediatric).Outcomes of relevance were documented, but in many cases these could be determined only after the initial review of the retrieved articles. Clarifying the Search StrategyGeneric instructions were provided on the types of search strategy to be considered and databases to be searched.The initial search strategy was submitted electronically via the internet for initial review by one of the task force chairs and one of the worksheet experts.This was to ensure that the search appeared to be on track (eg, addressing the desired question, reasonable combination of search terms), and the search strategy was subsequently returned to the author with comments.The authors were expected to search multiple databases, including the Cochrane database for systematic reviews and the Central Register of Controlled Trials (,MEDLINE (,EMBASE (,and the master EndNote reference library collated by the American Heart Association (AHA).Many articles were not identified on the initial search but rather through a combination of additional strategies, including a review of the references from and forward searching on key articles. Selecting Studies for Further ReviewThe authors were asked to review the titles and abstracts of all articles identified by their preliminary searches and assess the relevance of the articles to the question being asked.The worksheet author then retrieved the appropriate studies for further comparison with the previously developed inclusion and exclusion criteria.This allowed a reproducible final decision on articles to include in the worksheet. 3Inclusion of all relevant evidence including animal and manikin/model studies, as well as human studies, was encouraged, unless substantive human data were available.
Год издания: 2010
Авторы: Peter T. Morley, Dianne L. Atkins, John E. Billi, Leo Bossaert, Clifton W. Callaway, Allan R. de Caen, Charles D. Deakin, Brian Eigel, Mary Fran Hazinski, Robert W. Hickey, Ian Jacobs, Monica E. Kleinman, Rudolph W. Koster, Mary E. Mancini, William Montgomery, Laurie J. Morrison, Vinay Nadkarni, Jerry P. Nolan, Robert E. O’Connor, Jeffrey M. Perlman, Michael R. Sayre, Tanya I. Semenko, Michael Shüster, Jasmeet Soar, Jonathan Wyllie, David Zideman
Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Источник: Circulation
Ключевые слова: Cardiac Arrest and Resuscitation, Meta-analysis and systematic reviews, Health Sciences Research and Education
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Том: 122
Выпуск: 16_suppl_2