Haunted transitions: memory, theater, and gender discourseглава из книги
Аннотация: Behave right!Don't swear; Don't smoke … .Don't eat with your elbows on the table … .Don't chomp … .Don't drink water during the main dish … .Wash your underwear every night before you go to bed … .We don't want your husband to think we're dirty" (Waxing West, Sta ˘nescu 2006, 50).This is part of the litany of advice that the Romanian mother, Marcela, gives to her West-bound daughter Daniela in Saviana Sta ˘nescu's English language play Waxing West (2006).This advice will prove to be unpractical.The new cultural and individual context in which the daughter, Daniela, finds herself in the US will require a different set of practical and performative gender behaviors in order for her life to function at a satisfactory level.As the storyline goes, Daniela, a Romanian cosmetologist in her early thirties, goes to New York to marry Charlie Aronson, a software engineer in his late thirties.The marriage itself was engineered by their mothers, Marcela and Mrs. Aronson.In New York, Daniela finds out that Charlie is quite socially inept and not interested in the traditional marriage plot.As they negotiate their relationship, Daniela befriends Charlie's sister, Gloria, described in the stage directions as "late 40s, feminist visual artist," who overcomes her initial preconceived ideas about Daniela as a profiteering "gypsy."September 11, 2001 happens just as Daniela and Charlie are at a critical point in their relationship and Charlie is among those who disappear in the event.Throughout the play, as a Greek chorus, Sta ˘nescu inserts the vampire ghosts of Nicolae and Elena Ceaus ¸escu, the former communist dictator and his wife.Initially, they appear during nightmares that Daniela starts having when she first decides to leave Romania.However, as the play advances they are present during most scenes.At the end of the play, Daniela fights away these ghosts, as well as the other characters who are literally pulling on her, to declare her independence from the past and from all those making demands of her: "I haven't done anything wrong.I don't owe anything to you … .Rather I am owed some good normal boring times … .Like everybody else … .You ghosts have waxed the soul out of me.But you know what: there is still something left.A tiny piece of me.See?! I am hairy but not dead … " (Waxing West, Sta ˘nescu 2006, 69).She tears up her return plane ticket to Romania and decides to start looking for Charlie.
Год издания: 2014
Издательство: Informa
Источник: Routledge eBooks
Ключевые слова: Theatre and Performance Studies, Memory, Trauma, and Commemoration, Italian Fascism and Post-war Society
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Страницы: 44–59