Coagulation Monitoringписьмо
Аннотация: To the Editor: Viscoelastic coagulation tests are used to manage perioperative coagulation disorders, and we believe that a recent article by Ganter and Hofer1 contains a misleading legend probably reflecting a misunderstanding of the concept of the Sonoclot device. In Figure 3B explaining the Sonoclot device, platelet function (PF) was defined as the time from beginning of the Sonoclot measurement until the peak of the curve. However, the function of the platelets is reflected by both the rate of clot formation (steepness of the curve) as well as the retraction of the clot, represented by the following Sonoclot signature after the peak.2 The downward slope after the peak is produced as platelets further contract the clot. Both the number of available platelets and the level of PF are key determinants of the downward slope. The peak itself is a composite measurement of the fibrinogen and the interaction of platelets with the coagulatory cascade. Finally, also included in the PF time is activated clotting time. This value is obviously influenced by heparin, but not by platelets. Guido Schüpfer, MD, PhD Mattias Casutt, MD Institute of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Kantonsspital, Spitalstrasse, Switzerland [email protected]
Год издания: 2008
Авторы: G. Schüpfer, Mattias Casutt
Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Источник: Anesthesia & Analgesia
Ключевые слова: Blood transfusion and management, Trauma, Hemostasis, Coagulopathy, Resuscitation, Hemostasis and retained surgical items
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