Ensembl 2019статья из журнала
Аннотация: The Ensembl project (https://www.ensembl.org) makes key genomic data sets available to the entire scientific community without restrictions. Ensembl seeks to be a fundamental resource driving scientific progress by creating, maintaining and updating reference genome annotation and comparative genomics resources. This year we describe our new and expanded gene, variant and comparative annotation capabilities, which led to a 50% increase in the number of vertebrate genomes we support. We have also doubled the number of available human variants and added regulatory regions for many mouse cell types and developmental stages. Our data sets and tools are available via the Ensembl website as well as a through a RESTful webservice, Perl application programming interface and as data files for download.
Год издания: 2018
Авторы: Fiona Cunningham, Premanand Achuthan, Wasiu Akanni, James E. Allen, M Ridwan Amode, Irina M. Armean, Ruth Bennett, Jyothish Bhai, Konstantinos Billis, Sanjay Boddu, Carla Cummins, Claire Davidson, Kamalkumar Dodiya, Astrid Gall, Carlos García Girón, Laurent Gil, Tiago Grego, Leanne Haggerty, Erin Haskell, Thibaut Hourlier, Osagie Izuogu, Sophie H. Janacek, Thomas Juettemann, Mike Kay, Matthew R. Laird, Ilias Lavidas, Zhicheng Liu, Jane Loveland, José Carlos Marugán, Thomas Maurel, Aoife McMahon, Benjamin Moore, Joannella Morales, Jonathan M. Mudge, Michael Nuhn, Denye Ogeh, Anne Parker, Andrew Parton, Mateus Patrício, Ahamed Imran Abdul Salam, Bianca M. Schmitt, Helen Schuilenburg, Dan Sheppard, Helen Sparrow, Eloise Stapleton, M. Szuba, Kieron Taylor, Glen Threadgold, Anja Thormann, Alessandro Vullo, Brandon Walts, Andrea Winterbottom, Amonida Zadissa, Marc Chakiachvili, Adam Frankish, Sarah Hunt, Myrto Kostadima, Nicholas Langridge, Fergal J. Martin, Matthieu Muffato, Emily Perry, Magali Ruffier, D. Staines, Stephen J. Trevanion, Bronwen Aken, Andrew Yates, Daniel R. Zerbino, Paul Flicek
Издательство: Oxford University Press
Источник: Nucleic Acids Research
Ключевые слова: Genomics and Phylogenetic Studies, RNA modifications and cancer, RNA and protein synthesis mechanisms
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Том: 47
Выпуск: D1
Страницы: D745–D751