Poster Session 2статья из журнала
Аннотация: Topic: Arrhythmias, General Other The metabolic syndrome (MetS) is characterized by a cluster of atherosclerotic risk factors, including obesity, hypertension (HTA), insulin resistance and dyslipidemia.Objective: To determine the presence and frequency of cardiac arrhythmias in individuals with obesity and metabolic syndrome.Methods: The study included 150 subjects divided into two groups (mean age 56,78AE9,34; 88 women, 62 men).The first group consisted of patients with MetS based on the criteria of the International Diabetes Federation, n=100; the second control group healthy subjects, n=50.For all patients was determined: anamnesis, physical examination, anthropometric measurements, continuous 24-h ambulatory ECG monitoring, exercise stress test, echocardiography, blood chemistry.Results: The presence of MetS components is statistically more frequent in first group than in the control group (p<0.001).In the first group the most prevalent MetS components were waist circumference and HTA (100%), in the control group elevated triglycerides (56%).Heart rhythm disorders were registered in 44 (29.33%) of all respondents.Heart rhythm disorders were more often in the first compared to second group, a statistically significant permanent AF(p<0.05),paroxysmal AF(p<0.01) and ventricular arrhythmia (VA) p<0.001.Number of respondents with one of the tested disorder was significantly higher in the study compared to the control group (p<0.001).Results of univariate regression analysis showed that obesity increases the probability for the occurrence of AF 3.61 times (IP 1,65), increasing BMI for one unit of measurement by 15% (IP 1,02-1,29), and increasing the number of components of MS by 73% (IP 1,07-2,82).Age, obesity (BMI!30) and the number of components of MetS were determined to be significant predictors for occurrence of VA.With statistical significance of p<0.05 the probability for the occurrence of VA in obese grows 3.52 times (IP 1,45), with increase the number of MetS components for one the probability for the occurrence of the VA grows 55% (IP 1,06-2,27).Conclusion: Atrial and ventricular heart rhythm disorders were more common in patients with MetS compared to healthy subjects, a statistically significant permanent AF, paroxysmal AF and VA.The most important parameters for the occurrence of AF and VA were obesity and the number of components of MetS.
Год издания: 2018
Издательство: Oxford University Press
Источник: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Открытый доступ: bronze
Том: 25
Выпуск: 2_suppl
Страницы: S72–S105