Аннотация: Purpose. The aim of the article is to reveal the mechanism of formation of safe UAV movement in the conditions of radio attacks. Methodology. Scientists from Ternopil National Technical University named after Ivan Pulyuy have consistently developed and studied several mechanisms for the formation of safe movement of unmanned aerial vehicles in radio attacks in order to create a perfect model with which to launch UAVs in areas with high radio attack. As a result of previous work, the mechanism of formation of safe movement of UAVs in the conditions of radio attacks based on methods of increasing the stability of providing information about the route of the unmanned aerial vehicle in the use of REP and air defense systems. Results. The article reveals the mechanism of formation of safe movement of unmanned aerial vehicle in the conditions of radio attacks. Analysis of known solutions in the field of increasing the stability of the control path of unmanned aerial vehicles and electronic suppression demonstrated the relevance of the problem of forming flight routes of unmanned aerial vehicles bypassing opposing enemy areas, taking into account the use of air defense and electronic warfare. The authors emphasize that most drone control tasks are now automated due to their high complexity and versatility. An automated control system operating under the control of a human operator is used as a control factor on an unmanned aircraft. It is emphasized that the main threats to unmanned aerial vehicles in modern conditions are the possibility of their destruction by air defense systems, as well as disruption of the radio communication and control system between the control center and the UAV by electronic suppression. The need for constant tracking of UAV flight by transmitting commands from the launcher is revealed. It is also emphasized the low level of automation of the onboard control system of the unmanned aerial vehicle and the inability to make adequate decisions on information received from onboard sensors in complex situations that require constant monitoring of UAV flight by a human operator. Scientific novelty. For the first time the functional scheme of the UAV recognition mechanism in the conditions of radio attacks is developed and the mechanism of formation of safe movement of the UAV in the conditions of radio attacks which is based on three basic techniques is defined. The first method is the method of clustering the flight zones of an unmanned aerial vehicle according to the degree of control stability. Based on the second method, the authors propose a method of forming the routes of UAV flights, taking into account the location of air defense and electronic warfare. The last link is the method of assessing the stability of providing information about the route of the unmanned aerial vehicle in terms of the use of air defense and electronic warfare. Practical relevance. The results of the work can be implemented in the process of forming the safe movement of UAVs in the conditions of radio attacks. Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle; air traffic control; space; security; flight.
Год издания: 2020
Авторы: Л. Романюк, Ihor Chykhira
Издательство: O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
Источник: Municipal economy of cities
Ключевые слова: Military Technology and Strategies, Cybersecurity and Information Systems, Advanced Control and Stabilization in Aerospace Systems
Открытый доступ: gold
Том: 4
Выпуск: 157
Страницы: 178–183