Аннотация:The article is devoted to the organization of Russian society of the 17th century within judicial, fiscal, military, administrative and managerial systems of the state. It considers the role of central state institutions of prikazes in this process. The authors attribute the origin of the prikaz system to the end of the 15th – beginning of the 16th century, examine their genetic connection with patrimonial management. The questions that prikazes solved in relation to different social categories depended on the taxable or non-taxable status of the latter. Service, land ownership, lawsuits were significant for the boyar-princely aristocracy and nobles; for taxable categories taxation had an important role. Numerous taxable estates were subordinated to the administrative vertical, which consisted of local government and self-government bodies, Central Prikazes, the Tsar and the Boyar Duma as the highest controlling authority. The article focuses on the evolution of the prikaz bureaucracy and its hierarchy: numerical and qualitative changes in professional groups such as clerks (dyaks) and minor clerks (podyachie); and the composition of employees who correspond to the specialization of a particular prikaz.