Аннотация:further investigated with chest which showed segmental bronchial atresia in inferior lingular segment with proximal bronchiectasis and distal air trapping.Similar focal bronchial stenosis is present in posterior segment of right upper lobe with bronchocele formation.His sputum for acid fast bacilli and pyogenic culture, full blood count, immunological functions, 2D echo and 6 minute walking tests were normal.He had a negative Mantoux test.Bronchoscopic evaluation showed abrupt ending of left lower lobe bronchus.He was referred to the thoracic surgeons for possible surgical intervention as he had recurrent lower respiratory infections. Conclusion. Non resolving wheeze should always be investigated
Год издания:2019
Ключевые слова:Pneumothorax, Barotrauma, Emphysema, IgG4-Related and Inflammatory Diseases, Abdominal vascular conditions and treatments