Аннотация: Aim . The purpose of the article is to study the specifics of the social identity of real leaders chosen by a group in a stressful situation, sociometric and referentometric leaders in their everyday life. Methodology . To identify sociometric leaders, the Sociometry method was used. To identify the referentometric leaders, the “Referentometry” technique was used. Real acting leaders were identified in the stressful situation of meaningful group activity. To determine the social-role identity, the method “Role relations of social subjects and creative personality” was used. Factor analysis was used for statistical data processing. Results . According to the results of the study, leaders in everyday situations of the group’s life have a specific social-role identity: the significance of the leaders’ roles and the role of an in-demand employee was revealed in sociometric leaders; the expressiveness of the roles of creator and rescuer in a crisis was revealed in referentometric leaders; the expressiveness of the personal role of the creator was revealed in real leaders, selected by the group in a stressful situation. The phenomenon of retention of leadership in a stressful situation has its own specifics: for sociometric leaders it is associated with identification with the social roles of leaders, for referentometric leaders it is associated with identification with the personal role of the creator and the social role of the leader. The phenomenon of the promotion to the role of a leader in a stressful situation of subjects who are not defined by the group as a sociometric or referentometric leader is associated with the identification of such subjects with leading roles. Research implications . The revealed features of the sociometric and referentometric leaders who have retained their leadership make it possible to supplement with training programs for leadership in stressful situations.
Год издания: 2022
Издательство: Moscow Region State University Editorial Office
Источник: Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University
Ключевые слова: Education and Professional Development, Educational Methods and Teacher Development, Technology and Human Factors in Education and Health
Открытый доступ: diamond
Выпуск: 1