Cartographic methods for solving historical and geographical problems (on the example of multiscale research of Europe, mediterranean and North-Western Black Sea regions)статья из журнала
Аннотация: Numerous and multidimensional problems of the modern world have a self-evident, but not always obvious, geographical conditionality and spatial reflection, which are the objects of interest of specialists. At the same time, the geographical approach to understanding the global problems of humanity and their multiscale nature is inseparable from the historical approach, and historic-geographical research is an integral factor in a comprehensive scientific search. This approach allows us to represent historic-geographical landscapes as integral natural and anthropogenic geosystems, to understand their structure and patterns of development. A comprehensive historic-geographical search integrates the knowledge gained in various scientific fields, and provides the basis for further geographical, historical, ethnographic, cultural and other scientific and practical research. Cartographic methods serve as the cornerstone of the historic-geographical approach, the application of which within the framework of complex research allows us to solve important scientific problems and find reliable answers to numerous questions that arise when systematizing knowledge about the natural and cultural heritage. Comprehensive studies based on this multiscale approach were carried out at the macro-regional level as part of a special geographical and cultural analysis of the Mediterranean-Black Sea region (high-precision mapping and generalization, determining the place of the Black Sea in the framework of the Great Mediterranean), toponymic surveys (transferred geographical names within Central, Eastern Europe and the Balkans), in the North-Western Black Sea region — at the meso- and micro-regional level — for the historic-geographical landscape of the Middle Dniester, characterized by weak urbanization processes, but extremely high concentration of monuments of natural and cultural heritage, the formation of which is due to both the border and the connecting role of the river (interdisciplinary studies of unique architectural monuments in Rashkov, Vad-Rashkov, Vasilkov, etc.), as well as for the urbanized central part of Moldavia (the reconstruction of the historic-geographical landscape of medieval Kishinev based on the use of a combination of traditional and innovative methods, which allowed to identify the location of medieval fortifications and their influence on the existing buildings).
Год издания: 2020
Авторы: Andrey Herzen
Издательство: Laboratory of Complex Mapping, Faculty of Geography, MSU
Источник: InterCarto InterGIS
Ключевые слова: Regional Socio-Economic Development Trends, Diverse Scientific Research in Ukraine, Soil and Environmental Studies
Открытый доступ: diamond
Том: 26
Выпуск: 4
Страницы: 266–281