Utilization of Complex Carbon Sources on Biofloc System and Its Influence on the Microbial Composition, Growth, Digestive Enzyme Activity of Pacific White Shrimp, Penaeus vannamei Culture
Аннотация:A two-month experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of complex carbon sources on the biofloc system and its influence on Penaeus vannamei culture. Four sources of carbon viz. Tapioca flour (BFTf), Rice bran (BFRb), Wheat flour (BFWf), Rice Flour (BFRf), and biofloc were generated, the absence of CHO being considered as control (C). The experiment was carried out in 100L FRP tanks in triplicate, and the post-larvae (ABW: 0.11 g) were stocked @ 400 PL/m3. Results revealed that the addition of complex carbon sources effectively reduces the TAN by 62-67%. The average body weight of shrimp in the rice flour and wheat flour treatments were significantly higher compared to control. Similarly, improved survival was observed in rice bran treatment (89%). Beneficial bacteria were isolated from all the treatments as well as control. Real-time analysis revealed significantly (P<0.05) higher expression of digestive enzyme-related genes compared to control the utilization of carbohydrates, exhibiting an encouraging trend. The complex carbon sources (BFRf) and (BFWf) have been effectively utilized, resulting in improved water quality, microbial diversity, growth performance, and enhanced digestive enzyme activity.