Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry: Celebrating the Publication of 600 Papers in 2021, and First Bibliometric Analysis from 2016-2020статья из журнала
Аннотация: Web of Science (WoS) is covering Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry (BRIAC) from 2015 onwards. However, we performed its 1st bibliometric analysis of the last five years (from 2016 to 2020). The data from WoS was retrieved on 8th February 2021. In this period, BRIAC has published seven hundred and fifty-seven documents (n=757), majorly comprising research articles (n=665), reviews (n=86), and editorials (n=6). In all publications, exactly 2519 authors, 838 institutes or departments, and 77 countries have contributed. For numerical representations, we designed the publication and citation clubs. One thousand four hundred and thirty-four (n=1434) citations were noted. The total h-index was found to be 11, while the citation per item was recorded to be 1.89. The unofficial impact factor is 1.93. The calculation is based on citations in 2020 (498), divided by papers published in 2018-2019 (258). By VOSviewer analysis, we also represented the co-authorship network for authors, institutes, and countries. Four thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight (n=4938) keywords were noted in all publications. By co-words analysis, we represented the trends in publications. From WoS, we retrieved the per year h-index, citation per item, and total citations of BRIAC. It is worthy to note that BRIAC has accepted 600 research articles for the year 2021. All issues in 2021 are already published in advance. The present research article (bibliometric report) is paper number 600th, and it is closing the year. Based on the data, it can be concluded that in a short span of the last five years, BRIAC showed positive growth.
Год издания: 2021
Авторы: Waseem Hassan, Mehreen Zafar, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Alexandra Bolocan, Osama M. Darwesh, Kevin E. Bennet, Gary W. Ruth, Felicia Manciu, J Laxman, Juliana Steffens, Otilia Banu, John Ciubuc, Hend A. Ezzat, Abd El-Moez, Ghareib Ali, Hamid Ghayoor, Maroof A. Hegazy, Fazlur-Rahman Nawaz, Yong -Chien, Mohammad Malekpour, Basil Mujokoro, Oeindrila Mukhopadhyay, K. Chandra Babu, Vinod Kumar, Arshad Mehmood Abbasi, Iryna Drapak, Ahmed Hassabo, A. M. Abdelghany, Malek Taher Maghsoodlou, Ibrahim A. Alaraidh, Salah Abdellah, Abdulaziz Abdullah Alsahli, Masoumeh Dehbalaei, Praveen Kumar Gaur, Yuliia Matiichuk, Maryam Omrani, Anisa Ratnasari, Davide Romani, Sadish Shanmugam, Mohammad M. Zarshenas, E.M. Abdelrazek, Al Qahtani, Afshin Bahri, Barbosa Figueiredo, Flávio Alves de Moura Júnior, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Isabela P. Cerávolo, Cristea Violeta, Muhammad Noer Fajar, Neveen Farrage, Akemi Martins Higa, Irina Gheorghe, Jimena Márquez, R. R. Juluri, Rozina Khattak, M. Ayhan Köse, Risky Ayu Kristanti, Nik Ahmad Nizam Nik Malek, Nizam Ahmad, Giovanni Mambrini, Marcela Popa, A. H. Oraby, Vladimir N. Popok, Bhupendra Singh Rawat, Rodrigues Santos, Lucas David, Sib Sankar, Bahare Saghavaz, Shahrokh Shojaei, Dos Soares, Agatha Santos, Francisco Trivinho‐Strixino, Laurentiu Tatu, Veronica Lazăr, Muhammad Zakaria, Tatiana Vassu, Mohammed A. Al‐Anber, Rogério Marcos Dallago, Cristina Delcaru, Vladimir A. Ermolaev, Virginia Fuochi, Pio Maria Furneri, De Castro, Gustavo Rocha, D. Oró, Carolina Elisa, Antônio Carlos Guastaldi, Vivek Hamse, K. Ajay Kumar, Fanli Meng, Salam Mohammed, Giulio Petronio Petronio, Jorge Amir, Mohammad Hossein Sanati, Sepideh Zununi Vahed, Dileep Kumar Achutha, Minhaz Uddin, Ahmad Aliah, Alyoshina Lyudmila, Puttagunta Babu, Bibi Nazma, Surinder Chawla, Alessandro Crisci, Francesco Crisci, Dian Fadlilah, Antonio Greco, Bachala Harish, Sweetie R. Kanatt, Natasha Ann Keasberry, Ramona Khadivi, Yasmine Khane, María Virginia, Camacho-Luis Abelardo, Garcimarrero Alejandara, Lia -Mara, A. E. Fouda, Salah Hassanien Abd El-Aziz, Binita Nanda, Braja B. Nanda, Hasan Zuhudi, Ionela Alexandru, Nicoleta Andreescu, Asadi-Shekaari Majid, Youssef Bakri, Dorota Bartusik‐Aebisher, Abdelhakim Bouyahya, Carrera Sanchez, Hina Chadha, Simona Cianciolo, Ileana Constantinescu, Liovando Da Costa, Marcelo Da Costa, Upendra Nath, De Oliveira, T. J. M. and Szanto de Toledo, Octaviana Dulamea, Галимжан Дускаев, Rita Elias, Eslam Haleem, Taj Pri Kalantaripour, Sayed Kenawy, Ling Bing, Dianna Kosyan, Arvind Kumar, Lucian Laslo, Shaobo Li, Xiuying Li, Wenyan Luo, Larisa Mezhueva, Shoma Paul Nandi, А.М. Парфенова, Wander Pereira, Dedy Dwi Prastyo, Jamal Rashidiani, Nazaitulshila Rasit, Naresh Kumar Sahoo, Tanveer Mahamad, Angkita Sharma, Lopez‐Gutierrez Tomas, Anca Udriste, Yonghong Wang, Yu Wang, Jie Yang, Giovani L. Zabot, Reza Zare, Abdel Rahim, Ilham Abdelmalek, alaa abdelmoaty, Abou Gabal, Abou-Okeil Ashraf, Roshanak Abutorabi, Tarsitano Achille, Andi Adjeng, Andrey V. Afonin, Nazgol Afyouni, Moufida Aggouf
Источник: Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry
Ключевые слова: Economic and Technological Innovation, scientometrics and bibliometrics research
Открытый доступ: gold
Том: 11
Выпуск: 6
Страницы: 15075–15140