Essential characteristics of the formation of the readiness of physical education and sport specialists to use the technique of kinesiotaping in professional activitiesстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Formation of communicative competencies of students in the conditions of distance educationThe article highlights the problems of theory and practice of competency-based learning in higher education.The formation of communicative competence of higher education seekers is characterized as a complex concept that is a system of sound pedagogical actions and purposeful measures that are implemented in the scientific and educational process of higher education.The content of the concept of "distance learning" as an opportunity for distance learning and obtaining the necessary knowledge at any convenient time is defined and the main characteristics of distance learning are considered.It is emphasized that the formation of communicative competencies of students in distance learning provides the following activities of the teacher: establishing communication links, promoting student adaptation, cooperation, motivation, diagnosis of academic achievement, use of various didactic methods to develop individual student qualities.It was found that the most common models of distance learning are external studies, university studies, cooperation of different educational institutions; autonomous educational institutions, autonomous educational systems; distance learning using multimedia programs.The components of the effectiveness of distance learning (effective activities of teachers and students, the use of pedagogical technologies, the effectiveness of prepared teaching materials, the effectiveness of feedback).The effectiveness of distance learning based on computer communications is analyzed.At the same time, the problems that arise in the learning process when working with information resources from the Internet are identified.It is noted that when developing distance learning courses, the teacher must pay special attention to the personal cognitive activity of the student (not study, but learning), and must have different types of learning activities, the formation of students' necessary skills and knowledge.Emphasis is placed on the effectiveness of group learning in the context of the development of communicative competencies of students, as group learning can reduce the isolation of students and expand the opportunities to help them with tasks.
Год издания: 2021
Источник: Naukowyi Chasopys National Pedagogical Dragomanov University Series 5 Pedagogical sciences reality and perspectives
Ключевые слова: Physical Education and Training Studies, Sports Science and Education, Human Health and Disease
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Institutional Repository (Kharkiv National Medical University) (PDF)
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Institutional Repository (Kharkiv National Medical University) (HTML)
Открытый доступ: gold
Выпуск: 82
Страницы: 127–132