Аннотация:Introduction: the paper considers the study of the issues of the civil law regulation of bank lending to environmental entrepreneurship through the analysis of such concepts as “green banking”, “environmental entrepreneurship”, and “social goal of green financing”. Purpose: the author examines the concept and features of bank lending to environmental entrepreneurship, their essential features, highlighted by the civil doctrine and used by judicial practice. Using the methods of scientific cognition, primarily the method of systematic and comparative analysis, the author identifies the constitutive features of bank lending to environmental entrepreneurship by applying an essential-substantive approach to the study of the concept of environmental entrepreneurship and its development in Russia with the help of bank lending. Results: it is established that there is no single approach to understanding bank lending to environmental entrepreneurship in the modern scientific literature. To determine the main approaches to understanding bank lending to environmental entrepreneurship, the author’s approaches to the definition of this phenomenon are systematized. Conclusions: the author concludes that there are no methodologically sound approaches to the financing of environmental entrepreneurship in the banking sector. It seems that the solution to such a problem is possible by creating a universal framework for the methodological support of risk assessment to apply bank lending to environmental entrepreneurship.