Аннотация:This study examines the intersectional relationship between work-family conflict and career progress of married women employed in the financial sector within Kathmandu Valley. Although both work and family are important dimensions of human life, in Nepalese context the intersectional relationship between gender roles, work and family responsibilities and career progress has been inadequately studied. Hence, this research aims to conceptualize work-family conflict by examining the intersectional relationship between socio-demographic factors, antecedents of work-family conflict and career progress of married women employees in the context of Nepalese Financial Sector. In this study intersectional research design has been used to analyze relationships between variables together with ninety (N=90) married women employees as research participants. Results of both descriptive and inferential statistics indicate that asymmetry still remains prevalent and permeable among married women employees regarding their work-family interfaces and involvements. Hence, antecedents of work family conflict intersect a predictive association with subsequent existential experiences, ambition gaps and perceptions that negatively influences career progress of married women. Based on the findings, this study recommends a sustainable corporate culture and human resources management practices that remains sensitive to gender issues and also assimilates complex and conflicting necessities of both work and family involvements. Keywords: Work-family conflict, Career progress, Sustainable corporate culture, Human resource practices