O10‐4: Effectiveness of intravenous isoniazid and ethambutol administration in patients with drug‐susceptible pulmonary tuberculosis with TB‐meningoencephalitis and HIV co‐infection in the intensive phase of treatment
Аннотация:Results: TBE diagnosis was confirmed histologically (caseating granuloma) in 84.7% of cases, with the remainder confirmed via microbiological evidence from Pf or sputum.MPE was biopsy-proven in 63.9% of cases, while 36.1% were para-malignant.Echographic septation was more evident in TBE than MPE (46.5% vs. 8.2%, p<0.001).On multivariate logistic regression, male gender (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 3.64, p<0.001), serum leucocyte counts 9 x 109/L or less (aOR: 4.52, p<0.001),Pf protein 50g/L or more (aOR: 3.578, p<0.001) and presence of echographic septation (aOR: 9.28, p<0.001) were independent predictors for TBE.This prediction model has an area under the curve of 0.862 (95% CI 0.816-0.909,p<0.001) with an accuracy of 79.61% (95% CI 74.13-84.38).Conclusion: Echographic septation could potentially facilitate the discrimination of TBE from MPE as part of a clinical prediction model.Prospective validation of this prediction model on an external cohort is anticipated.
Год издания:2021
Ключевые слова:Infectious Diseases and Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis Research and Epidemiology, Drug-Induced Ocular Toxicity