Reconstruction of the Forestry Fleet on Izhevsk and Votkinsk Ponds in the 1930–1950sстатья из журнала
Аннотация: The composition of the Udmurtia forestry fleets and ship biographies were reconstructed according to the annual technical and statistical reports of the Udmurtia's forestry.The "26-vod" form of statistical reports of forest-enterprise was of great importance in the post-war years the.However, until 1946 the completion of this or a similar form was usually ignored.In this connection, only the information on the vessels directly participating in the rafting can be reconstructed more or less reliably.But a comprehensive analysis of the reports makes it possible to identify auxiliary fleet vessels with a high probability.In the second half of the 1920s forest divisions were separated from the Izhevsk and Votkinsk factories into separate enterprises, with the transfer of the former factory fleet to them.It is shown that until the 1940s a process of enlargement of these enterprises is underway to provide fastgrowing enterprises of Izhevsk and Votkinsk with timber and timber products.But at the same time, the fleets are mainly equipped with former factory ships of pre-revolutionary construction: the Votkinsk's mechanical forest-station with the steamers "Azin", "Oktyabr" and the former barge of the Votkinsk's factory, the Selychka's timber station with the former steamer "Krasny Splavshchik" of the Izhevsk's factories.In the early 1940s fleet renewal began, but it was interrupted by the outbreak of the Great Patriotic war, however, the Votkinsk mechanic foreststation received the "Pyatiletka" gas-generator boat, which was used during the war.In the postwar period, along with river transport throughout the country, technical re-equipment of the fleets of the forestry of Udmurtia began.New vessels with gas engines enter the enterprises, which are less labor-consuming to maintain compared to steam engines (the "Kirovets" boat of the "Izhles" trust, the half-glider of the Dulesovo's farm, the gas boat of the Votkinsk timber industry enterprise, etc.).Instead of the steamer "Krasny Splavshchik", handed over to the Izhevsk Production Office and the non-self-propelled barge of the Votkinsk timber industry enterprise, handed over to the "Mariles" trust, self-propelled barges arrive.However, the development of the transport network, primarily the automobile and railway, as well as the power supply network, has led to the fact that since the 1950s the need for firewood, as the main energy source, has fallen significantly.As a result, there was a serious reduction in the
Год издания: 2021
Издательство: Academic Publisher House Researcher
Источник: Russkaya Starina
Ключевые слова: Soil and Environmental Studies, Botany and Plant Ecology Studies, Ecology, Conservation, and Geographical Studies
Открытый доступ: bronze
Том: 12
Выпуск: 2