Urban Agglomeration As a Factor of Sustainable Development of Satellite Cities (On the Example of Rostov Region)статья из журнала
Аннотация: The article discusses the features of the development of the largest Rostov agglomeration in the south of the country in order to form a single territorial, economic and social space. The authors analyze the conditions for agglomeration development and identify the necessary steps for the sustainable development of the cities that are part of the agglomeration, which would correspond to the interests of the population, business and local authorities. Within the framework of the article, the agglomeration effect on the territory of the agglomeration is revealed and the most urgent issues that have to be faced in the process of its formation are identified. To do this, the following methods were used in the article: systematization, forecasting, analysis, mathematical modeling and evaluation of the degree of agglomeration effect of various urban agglomerations with their comparison. The article provides a brief analysis of the largest cities that are part of the agglomeration, with an assessment of their specialization and influence on the development of the surrounding area. The main variables are statistical data on the population, the investment attractiveness of the territory and the volume of goods produced by the company. Special attention is paid to satellite cities, which are most influenced by the core city. The research conducted in the article allowed us to show that Bataysk and Aksay (the project “Big Rostov”) developing in a single cluster with Rostov are able to achieve many competitive advantages, both for the entire territory and for each specific municipality. Based on the interaction of these cities, a synergistic effect is shown, which is characterized by an active pendulum migration, development of communications and construction, concentration of production and specialization of the economy of the municipalities that are part of the agglomeration.
Год издания: 2021
Авторы: Natalia Kiseleva, Inna Mitrofanova, Alla Koloskova
Издательство: Volgograd State University
Источник: Regionalnaya ekonomika Yug Rossii
Ключевые слова: Regional Socio-Economic Development Trends, Material Science and Thermodynamics, Impulse Buying and Technology Impacts
Открытый доступ: bronze
Выпуск: 3
Страницы: 113–122