1467 A regional multidisciplinary team approach from the general paediatric perspective, in a tertiary centre for suspected PIMS-TSстатья из журнала
Alder Hey Children's Hospital (AHCH) in Northwest England provides regional specialist services and local general paediatric care. Paediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome temporally associated with Covid-19 (PIMS-TS) is a new disease entity requiring paediatricians from District General Hospitals (DGHs) to seek advice from a number of specialists. During the first/second peak of the pandemic, patients with suspected PIMS-TS were transferred to AHCH under general paediatricians with subspecialist input. To optimise patient care, during the 3rd peak of the pandemic (January 2021) an efficient virtual multidisciplinary team (MDT) consisting of rheumatology, cardiology, infectious disease and general paediatrics, was created to facilitate discussion of potential PIMS-TS cases. The MDT aimed to coordinate management of patients requiring specialist input, reduce unnecessary transfers whilst ensuring appropriate case management and utilisation of resources. Daily (including weekends) virtual meetings were held to discuss all active referrals including the patient's lead clinician, with the option of discussion on consecutive days until clinical improvement.Objectives
To analyse the cohort discussed at the MDT (January-March 2021), including demographics, outcomes, and need for transfer to AHCH.Methods
An online referral form using Microsoft SharePoint was distributed to regional DGHs for completion prior to the MDT. Discussion was documented on a database and outcome uploaded to AHCH patient records. These records were reviewed for this study.Results
35 patients were referred over the 6 week study period. 14 (44%) were female. 21 referrals came from DGHs (66%), the remainder were internal. Age range was 4 months to 17 years; 9.3% <1year, 25% 2–5 years, 40.6% 6–11 years and 25% 12–17 years. At time of discussion, six had a positive covid-19 PCR test and 13 had a confirmed positive household/family contact. PIMS-TS was diagnosed in 7(20%) patients, three of whom were referred from DGHs. One required transfer to AHCH for inotropic support and one for echocardiogram. Two additional transfers to AHCH for surgical opinions were subsequently referred to the MDT. Of the remaining 25 patients (18 from DGHs), four were treated locally for Kawasaki's disease. 19 of 21 (90.5%) DGH referrals to the MDT (majority without PIMS-TS) avoided unnecessary transfer to AHCH for assessment.Conclusions
The daily virtual MDT allowed efficient discussion with exchange of expertise and a collaborative approach from several specialties for suspected PIMS-TS cases across the region. It also enabled continuity across multiple discussions about individual cases. It provided the opportunity to discuss differentials in a new disease entity, empower DGH clinicians to start early treatment of PIMS-TS and recruit where appropriate to the RECOVERY trial. Unnecessary transfers were avoided in 90.5% of external cases. General paediatricians are key valued team members as the spectrum of disease and possible differential is wide. This MDT approach promoted the role of the general paediatrician in caring for these patients. Early treatment with a lower threshold to react and escalate has improved patient care. The use of better IT infrastructure helped bridge the gap of care delivery by geography. Feedback from DGH participants in the MDT was positive.Год издания: 2021
Авторы: Isobel Salter, Ríoghnach Sinead O’Neill, Mary Bouiller, Tabitha Bowker, Halina Kamarova, Atrayee Ghatak, Princy Paul, David Porter, Liza McCann, Clare Pain, Phuoc Duong
Источник: Abstracts
Ключевые слова: Child and Adolescent Health, Adolescent and Pediatric Healthcare
Открытый доступ: bronze
Страницы: A382–A382