Prospects for the introduction into the System of long-term training of athletes who specialize in Martial Arts binary training sessionsстатья из журнала
Аннотация: The current level of development of Olympic and non-Olympic Martial Arts requires athletes and their coaches to form a sufficient level of Professional Competencies that provide high sports performance during their participation in Competitions of various ranks.
The main Purpose of the Research is to determine the Essential characteristics of the Readiness of coaches who Specialize in Martial Arts to organize binary training sessions in the System of long-term training of athletes who specialize in Martial Arts with the involvement of Highly Qualified Specialists (Honored coaches, leading Scientists and Highly qualified Martial Arts Specialists).
As a Result of Theoretical Research, members of the Research Group determined the Essential characteristics of the readiness of coaches who Specialize in Martial Arts to organize binary training sessions in the System of long-term training of Martial Arts athletes with the involvement of Highly Qualified Specialists (Honored coaches, leading Scientists and Highly Qualified Martial Arts Specialists) – personal Education which is formed by means of the accentuated Pedagogical Influence (taking into account Modern achievements of Science and Technology) on the formation of coaches' readiness to raise the Prestige of Ukrainian athletes who specialize in Olympic and non-Olympic Martial Arts in the International Arena, to the organization of the System of long-term training of Martial Arts athletes in different variable conditions of the Educational and Training process and ensures the coordination of their knowledge about the content and Structure of Professional coaching activities, as well as the requirements of this activity to the level of comprehensive training of athletes who Specialize in Martial Arts at different stages of their long-term training, formed Competencies for the Organization of binary training sessions (theoretical and practical, Forms of Physical Training, etc.) in the Annual Cycle of training of athletes who Specialize in Martial Arts with the opportunities and needs formed and realized by them in the Process of Professional development.
Год издания: 2021
Авторы: Сергій Лазоренко, Andrii Panchuk, Ilona Panchuk, Stanislav Lazorenko, Yevhen Kravchuk, Artem Posypaiko, Mykola Danyliuk, Ihor Fishchuk
Источник: Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University Series 15 Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports)
Ключевые слова: Physical Education and Training Studies, Martial Arts: Techniques, Psychology, and Education, Doping in Sports
Открытый доступ: gold
Выпуск: 8(139)
Страницы: 63–70