Posthospital Cardiovascular Complications in Patients after Non-Cardiac Surgeryстатья из журнала
Аннотация: The objective: to analyze the incidence and spectrum of cardiovascular complications within 12 months after noncardiac surgery, as well as to assess the association of preoperative values of various cardiac risk indices (CRI) and other potential risk factors with the actual development of complications. Subjects and Methods. We analyzed data of medical records and telephone interviews of 141 patients aged 65 [60-71] years who had undergone non-cardiac surgery a year before the interview The operations were low risk in 13.5% of observations, medium risk in 64.5%, and high risk in 22%. A retrospective calculation of the Revised CRI (RCRI), Individual CRI (Khoronenko CRI), and the American College of Surgeons Perioperative Risk for Myocardial Infarction or Cardiac Arrest (MICA) was performed. Results. Cardiac events (myocardial infarction, decompensation of chronic heart failure, new arrhythmias, stroke, and/or the need to prescribe or escalate the dose of cardiovascular drugs and/or hospitalization for cardiac indications, and/or death from cardiovascular diseases) within 12 months after elective noncardiac surgeries were detected in 27.7% of cases, and in 2.1% of patient's death occurred due to cardiac disorders. Predictors of cardiac events were concomitant ischemic heart disease (OR = 2.777; 95% CI 1.286-5.966; p = 0.0093) and chronic heart failure (OR = 2.900; 95% CI 1.224-6.869; p = 0, 0155), RCRI (OR = 1.886; 95% CI 1.2-8-2.944; p = 0.005), Khoronenko CRI (OR = 3254.3; 95% CI 64.33-164,638; p = 0.0001), MICA (OR = 1.628; 95% CI 1.156-2.292; p = 0.005), creatininemia on the first postoperative day (OR = 1.023; 95% CI 1.010-1.061; p = 0.005), and propensity for bradycardia during surgery (OR = 0.945; 95% CI 0.908-0.983; p = 0.005). Combined analysis of Khoronenko's CRI and postoperative creatininemia provided a very good model: area under the ROC-curve - 0.823 (95% CI 0.728-0.641; p = 0.0002). Conclusion. All studied CRIs can be used to predict posthospital cardiac events; however, the most promising is a joint assessment of Khoronenko's CRI and postoperative creatinemia.
Год издания: 2021
Авторы: Д. А. Соколов, P. A. Lyuboshevsky, И Н Староверов, Kozlov Ia
Издательство: NEW TERRA Publishing House
Источник: Messenger of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation
Ключевые слова: Cardiac, Anesthesia and Surgical Outcomes, Hip and Femur Fractures
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