Аннотация:Objective: To assess the effect of the wheelset equivalent conicity on the stress-strain state of the rails. Methods: Authors used numerical integration methods for systems of nonlinear differential equations of motion in the Universal Mechanism software package. Experimental studies were carried out on the St. Petersburg – Moscow high-speed line using a multichannel strain-gauge station. Methods of mathematical statistics have been used to process the results of numerical simulation and field experiment. Results: The stresses and strains in the wheel-rail contact area and their dependence on the wheelset equivalent conicity have been determined. According to numerical simulation and field experiment, the convergence was within 15 %. Practical importance: The need for updating the standards for the maintenance of a rail track on high-speed lines has been revealed. Allowing for the wheelset equivalent conicity decreases the risk of intense hunting oscillation, which would reduce the dynamic wheel–rail effect. Mobile treatment of rails on the way makes it possible to extend the safe operation time and reduce the rolling stock motion resistance force of the track.