Аннотация:The purpose of the article is to identify and assess the main trends and scientifically substantiate the need to improve state policy in matters of foreign economic activity of the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy. Research methods. In the course of the study, a set of methods for analyzing statistical data that characterize the dynamics and corresponding trends were used. The dialectical and logical methods of scientific knowledge, a systematic approach to the study of processes are applied. Research results. Considered and analyzed the current state and proved the presence of the main negative trends in the development of foreign economic activity of the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy at the present stage, suggested ways to improve state regulation. Scientific novelty. The study of the processes of foreign economic activity of the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy received further development, an assessment of the existing mechanisms of state regulation was carried out, the necessity was proved and the ways of their improvement were identified. Practical significance. The results and conclusions of the study can be used by government bodies to improve the state agrarian policy, in the educational process and by business entities. Tabl.: 6. Figs.: 1. Refs.: 16.