Current State of School Libraries in the System of Modern Education of the Russian Federationстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Since 2016, the Russian Federation has been implementing the Concept for the Development of School Information and Library Centres, the main purpose of which is to create conditions for the formation of modern school library as a key tool in the new infrastructure of educational organization that provides modern conditions for teaching and upbringing. The study assesses the current state of school libraries in the Russian Federation. The authors analyze the regulatory and organizational basis of school libraries’ activities, present in detail the difficulties of implementing the Concept for the Development of School Information and Library Centres, taking into account the norms and requirements for the organization of school libraries space, as well as consider the issues of staffing the activities of school libraries. The authors conclude that today at least half of school libraries do not meet the requirements of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” and Federal State Educational Standards for their activities; and the heads of educational organizations are not interested in the development of library as it requires serious organizational and financial costs, but does not directly affect the performance assessment of their work. The updated school library, filled with relevant content, supported by personnel, methodology, technologies and resources, has the ability to update the content of school education, create the necessary modern infrastructure and use effective mechanisms for managing educational activities. The authors propose a number of actions, the implementation of which at the federal and regional levels will increase the effectiveness of further activities for the development of school libraries and information and library centres.
Год издания: 2021
Авторы: Д. А. Иванченко, Irina V. Berezina
Издательство: Russian State Library
Источник: Bibliotekovedenie [Russian Journal of Library Science]
Ключевые слова: Library Science and Information Literacy, Library Science and Information, Web and Library Services
Открытый доступ: bronze
Том: 70
Выпуск: 2
Страницы: 205–218