Аннотация:The article analyzes pro-social activities of Russian youth in terms of social structures, social institutions and processes.Prosocial behavior is a purposeful behavior aimed at social development and solution of social problems.The purpose of the study is to identify and substantiate the prerequisites for pro-social activities of Russian youth as an object of institutionalization.The study is based on a secondary analysis of data of the European Social Survey -2018 (ESS9) (n = 325 Russians aged 17-25 (M = 21.3);58.2 % of women, 41.8 % of men) and the all-Russian survey conducted by VTsIOM-Sputnik.The results were interpreted using qualitative and quantitative methods in SPSS 22.The analysis showed that young people perceive people as willing to help each other (more than half of the respondents gave medium scores, a fifth gave high scores); only 7.1 % of young people assessed the importance of assistance to other people as low, the remaining 45.8 % -as medium and 47.1 % -as high.Young people are more inclined to act prosocially together with friends, via the Internet, charitable organizations and government agencies.The norms of helping other people and society are assimilated as social norms that contribute to the creation of a favorable platform that makes it possible to carry out pro-social activities.The modern understanding of antecedents influencing the involvement of young people in pro-social activities and contributing to their institutionalization has been updated.