The causative construction in the dialects of southern Italy and the phonologysyntax interfaceглава из книги
Аннотация: structural cohesion exhibited by both verbal components of the verbal complex, it proves impossible to interpolate material such as Gianni in (2b) and local operations such as clitic climbing from the embedded infinitive to the higher causative predicate are readily licensed (2c). 2 (2) a. Maria [ V fece cadere] Gianni.(It.) Maria made fall.INF Gianni 'Maria made Gianni fall.' b. *Maria fece Gianni cadere.(It.)Maria made Gianni fall.INF c.Maria lo fece cadere(*lo).(It.)Maria him= made fall.INF=him 'Maria made him fall.'Furthermore, in analyses of the Romance causative it is standard, following the seminal work of Kayne (1975), to recognise two causative subtypes.In the so-called faire-infinitif construction (3a) we witness a complex predicate that selects for three arguments, the causer (Marie), the caused event (nettoyer les toilettes), and a composite argument (Jean) simultaneously realizing the Recipient of the causation and the Agent of the caused event which is marked either as a direct or an indirect object in accordance with the intransitive vs transitive nature of the lexical infinitive.In the faire-par construction (3b), by contrast, the complex predicate manifests just two arguments, the causer (Marie) and the caused event (nettoyer les toilettes).However, unlike the faire-infinitif construction, the infinitive in the faire-par construction assumes a passive reading, despite the absence of typical passive morphology, with backgrounding of the Agent which, if expressed, is introduced by an oblique by-phrase on a par with the canonical passive construction.(3) a. Marie fait nettoyer les toilettes à Jean.(Fr.) Marie makes clean.INF the toilets to Jean 'Marie makes Jean clean the toilets / Marie forces Jean to clean the toilets.' b.
Год издания: 2019
Авторы: Adam Ledgeway
Издательство: De Gruyter
Источник: De Gruyter eBooks
Ключевые слова: Linguistic Studies and Language Acquisition, Phonetics and Phonology Research, Spanish Linguistics and Language Studies
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