Аннотация:The Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (ASUM) is the leading multidisciplinary medical ultrasound society advancing the clinical practice of diagnostic medical ultrasound for the highest standards of patient care in Australia and New Zealand.The Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control (ACIPC) is the peak body for Infection Prevention and Control professionals in the Australasian region focused on promoting education and evidence based practice outcomes for a healthy community.This document was developed collaboratively by ASUM and ACIPC to establish nationally accepted guidelines for reprocessing ultrasound transducers.The requirements in these guidelines have been based on the standards of AS/ NZS4187:2014 and AS/NZS4185:2006. 1 These guidelines must be used as the minimum standard of practice for reprocessing ultrasound transducers and considered to be best practice at the time which they were issued.
Год издания:2017
Источник:Australasian Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine
Ключевые слова:Medical Device Sterilization and Disinfection, Ultrasound and Hyperthermia Applications, Ultrasound and Cavitation Phenomena