Clinical and epidemiological characteristics and gene variant structure of HCV-infection in the area of the Krasnodar Territoryстатья из журнала
Аннотация: The purpose of research - based on analysis of the clinical-epidemiologic data, the level of viral load and the prevalence of HCV genotypes to determine current consistencies and epidemiological trends of the development of HCV-infection in the area of the Krasnodar Territory. Patients and methods. Population incidence of hepatitis C in the Krasnodar Territory was studied for the period from 2004 to 2011. Clinical manifestations of the disease we evaluated on the base of a retrospective analysis of 1913 hospital records of patients with chronic hepatitis C. There were investigated the results of 19,338 qualitative PCR studies of RNA-HCV, 2041 studies for genotyping and 363 results of quantitative evaluation of RNA-HCV Results. In the Krasnodar Territory there is revealed circulation of 1a, 1b, 2, 3a HCV genotypes. In a population of genotypes 1b (48 %) and 3a (38 %) prevail. In recent years there has been visible trend to displacement of genotype 1b by the increase the incidence of genotype 3 a in a set of areas. Social Portrait of the patient with hepatitis C: a man aged 28 to 48, a city resident, a salary earner or unemployed. There were established gender peculiarities: males are more often infected with hepatitis C genotype 3a, females - genotype 1b. In most cases (65%) viremia is characterized by moderate viral load. In the studied population there is revealed the relationship between the activity of the process and infection with certain genotype. Moderate grade of hepatitis activity is significantly more frequently recorded in the disease caused by 1c and 3 a virus subtypes. Minimal activity of hepatitis is not typical for the process caused by genotype 2 and in genotype 3 a occurs much less frequently than in cases caused by genotype 1b. Conclusion. Epidemiological analysis of the incidence of hepatitis C should take into account trends in the spread of various genotypes of the virus. Hepatitis C virus genotype should be taken into account as in the forecast of the disease and in determination of the indications for antiviral therapy. The main socio-age group actively involved in the epidemic process and need for causal treatment, are young persons of working age.
Год издания: 2013
Авторы: Marina G. Avdeeva, В. Н. Городин, A. A Konchakova, V. A. Dubinina, N. V. Kotova, K. S. Strikhanov, O. V Zapashnyaya, G. A Eremina, А. С. Сотниченко
Источник: Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases
Ключевые слова: Hepatitis C virus research
Открытый доступ: bronze
Том: 18
Выпуск: 6
Страницы: 8–16