Аннотация: The review analyzes the effect of organic-mineral fertilizers (OMF) on morphogenesis, physiological processes, productivity and fruit quality of edible tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Tomatoes are known to play a primary role in providing the population with quality vegetable products, due to a large number of sugars (2.5–4.2 %), organic acids (0.4–0.9 %), vitamins, lycopene (0.3 %), fiber (0.3–0.9 %), mineral and aromatic compounds. The annual rate of human consumption of tomatoes, according to scientists, should be 39 kg.
It is noted that the use of OMF and humic preparations is an integral part of organic farming. According to DSTU ISO 4884: 2007 organic-mineral fertilizer is a fertilizer obtained by physical and / or chemical interaction of organic and mineral components.
Growing tomatoes using organic technology reduces the size of the fruit, but makes tomatoes more tasteful compared to fruits grown in the traditional way, the accumulation in the fruit of useful iron, magnesium, vitamins and minerals. It is shown that humic compounds have a positive effect on all phases of the mitotic cycle of cells and increase the value of the mitotic index by 1.5 times, resulting in increased root formation, changes of cell membranes increase water supply and nutrients. Treatment of seeds before sowing with liquid complex nitrohumine fertilizer containing macro- and microelements increases germination by 10%. Feeding tomato plants with liquid OMF during the growing season allows to intensify the process of photosynthesis, ensure better development of the leaf surface and root system, increase the laying of more reproductive organs and reduce disease incidence, resulting in a 40 % increase in yield and improved quality. The stimulating effect of humic acids on rooting of tomato seedlings, growth processes, increase of resistance to temperature decrease is revealed.
Growth stimulants and liquid nitrogen fertilizers also streamline growth, increase productivity and quality of tomatoes.
Thus, the use of organic-mineral fertilizers based on humic substances affects the development of edible tomatoes, streamlines the physiological processes in plants, their resistance to abiotic and biotic factors, fruit yield by 26–51 % and their quality, morpho-biometric and biochemical parameters of seedlings.
Год издания: 2020
Авторы: А. Yu. Dzendzel, Yu. D. Martsinyshyn, S. V. Pyda
Издательство: Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University
Источник: Scientific Issue Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University Series Biology
Ключевые слова: Agriculture and Biological Studies, Plant Growth Enhancement Techniques
Открытый доступ: gold
Том: 80
Выпуск: 3-4
Страницы: 115–126