Аннотация:(Post)humanities of the Anthropocentric Exodus: Towards plant societas The main aim of this article is an attempt at mapping the preventive strategy in the epoch of climate and ecology crisis through the lens of (post)humanities. Drawing upon posthuman perspectives, as well as methodologies and research tools, I will try to grasp the complexity of reality through relational ontologies, which linked Anthropos with the plant kingdom. As Małgorzata Praczyk pointed out, posthumanism is still not so investigated in humanities (especially in the historic field), and even when it finally appears, ended up at counterproductive reductionism. Trying to avoid this impasse, the author of this text is using the method of morphing history which allows changing the perspectives from anthropocentric one to the plants, thus polyphonic assemblages (A. Tsing) enables to re(present) the other and multispecies agency. Finally, I will map the possible perspectives in an epoch of Anthropocene according to the statement: “the environmental crisis brings a crisis of imagination”(L. Buell). In that sense, rethinking humanities with indigenous knowledge(s) is strongly needed as well as “deep adaptation” (J. Bendell) in order to understand that “humans interact not only with each other, but in all times, places and context of ecosystems, and are affected by them” (R.C. Foltz).