Three Varieties of Early Modern Scepticismглава из книги
Аннотация: Introduction: RichardP opkin on Early Modern ScepticismScepticism loomed large in the earlymodern period.In fact,manyphilosophers from the late sixteenth until the midsto ft he eighteenth centurygrappled with the problem of how to justify our knowledge claims in amuch more explicit and fundamental waythan theirAristotelian forerunners had.¹In numerous articles and books, particularlyinthe latest edition of his volume TheHistoryofScepticism from Savonarola to Bayle,R ichard Popkin argued that the earlym odern obsession with scepticism was prompted by the rediscovery of SextusEmpiricus'swritingsfrom the second century CE.As Popkin puts it,the reception of Sextus'swritingsled to "an insoluble crise pyrrhonienne,a st he various gambits of Sextus Empiricus are explored and worked out."²While Sextus'ss ceptical considerations were first applied in theological contexts and religious debates,P opkin explains, they weres oon transferred to other areas as well.In Popkin'sd iagnosis,t his led to a nouveau pyrrhonisme,w hich "was to envelop all the human sciencesa nd philosophyi nac ompletes ceptical crisis, out of which modernp hilosophya nd the scientifico utlook finally emerged."³It is hard to overstate the importance of Richard Popkin'swork on the history of scepticism.Not onlydid his investigation of earlymodern scepticism bring to the fore authorswho werewidelyneglectedbefore him, but it also pavedthe wayfor arange of outstanding studies in the history of earlym odern scepticism, which would have been plainlyi mpossible withouth is pioneering work.All these merits notwithstanding and without denying due credit to Popkin'sexceptional historiographical work, Iw ant to challengeh is main tenet thatt he early Iamgrateful to discussions with ZevHarvey, Yitzhak Melamed, José María Sánchez de León Serrano, and Máté Veres and the excellent stylistic suggestions by Anthony Paletta and Yoav Meyrav,w hich improved thisc hapter.Ialso thank the Maimonides Centre forA dvanced Studies, DFG-FOR 2311, form akingt hisc hapterp ossible in the first place. This is not to sayt hat Aristotelian philosophers wereu
Год издания: 2019
Авторы: Stéphan G. Schmid
Издательство: De Gruyter
Источник: De Gruyter eBooks
Ключевые слова: Reformation and Early Modern Christianity, American Constitutional Law and Politics
Открытый доступ: hybrid
Страницы: 181–202