Digital technologies in the electoral process: theoretical aspects of compliance with democratic standardsстатья из журнала
Аннотация: The article is devoted to the study of the acceptability of the introduction of digital technologies in the electoral process and their compliance with democratic standards.It is indicated, that the Recommendation CM / Rec (2017) revised the problematic aspects of the legal regulation of electoral technologies in accordance with the current stage of development of science and information technology and today remains virtually the only agreed act, containing requirements for electronic voting. The most common digital technologies in the election process are highlighted: devices for direct recording of electronic voting without a paper ballot form; means of scanning the ballot; technical mechanisms for speeding up the counting of votes; online voting system via a computer or mobile device with Internet access; a device for voter identification online or at a polling station (including by recording fingerprints or the retina). The following essential principles of this method of election are summarized: clarity of procedure, reliability, stability of electoral legislation and broad public support.The authors highlight the following advantages of the electronic election system - the presence of a coordinated, verified, labile voter register; increases administrative efficiency; reduces long-term costs of financial and labor resources; eliminates the possibility of manipulation; speeds up the counting of votes; improves political transparency; overcomes the problems of ignorance of the electorate.The article proves that elections, referendums or other forms of democracy, conducted using digital technologies, must meet the requirements and general principles of suffrage. Legitimation of digital technologies is possible only in the absence of discriminatory advantages. Therefore, the possibility of using digital technologies is possible in the case of organizing the technical perfection of the electronic voting system and counting of votes, as well as their alternatives, along with the classic form of voting
Год издания: 2020
Авторы: Iryna Zharovska, Vitaliy Kovalchuk
Издательство: Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture
Источник: ScienceRise Juridical Science
Ключевые слова: Legal and Policy Issues, Security, Politics, and Digital Transformation, Digital Transformation in Law
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