Augmented Reality – Principles and Practice Tutorialстатья
Аннотация: Summary form only given. The complete presentation was not made available for publication as part of the conference proceedings.The world is becoming more complex and problem solving often requires teams of experts to work together at the same or from different locations. To support this there is a need for collaborative tools, and a variety of teleconferencing and telepresence technologies have been developed. However, most of them involve some variation of traditional video conferencing, which has limitations, such as not being able to effectively convey spatial cues or share the user's task space. This workshop will focus on how these limitations can be overcome by using Mixed Reality (MR) technology, leading to the development of radically new types of collaborative experiences. The target audience includes everyone with an interest in developing AR applications, academic and industrial professionals and students alike, from beginner level onwards. They will receive a thorough overview of AR technology illustrated with many practical examples. A background in computer graphics and computer vision will be useful, but is not strictly necessary. The tutorial will be conducted with a mixture of slide presentation, video clips and live demonstrations. Audience members will be engaged in an active dialog and will be able to ask questions at any time during the tutorial. Participants will learn a broad foundation of the components and terminology used in developing AR on smartphones, so they can perform their own investigations. They will also gain appreciation for what is currently possible and what isn't, and what to expect from future research.
Год издания: 2016
Авторы: Dieter Schmalstieg, Tobias Höllerer
Ключевые слова: Augmented Reality Applications
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