Indicators of Parent-Child Relationships in the Context of Various Socio-Demographic Parametersстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Introduction. The article is dedicated to the problem of child-parent relationships (acceptance and behavior control practices by fathers). The context of modern family trends and various socio-demographic indicators of family life in the Russian Federation is also significant. The main hypothesis of the article: the indicators of acceptance and overprotection by fathers (in full families) differ in the context of such variables as a gender of the respondent, number of children in the family, and type of settlement in which the family lives. Materials and Methods. The study was conducted in public secondary schools in eight regions of the Russian Federation. For data collection, an online survey was used. The sample consisted of 3 526 respondents from full families (57 % female). The mean age of the respondents was 16 years. Data analysis was carried out using the following statistical processing methods: Kruskal-Wallis test, multiple linear regressions. Results. It was found that girls statistically higher evaluate perceived indicators of “care” and “overprotection” by fathers than boys. It was also found that respondents from v illages, urban settlements, and small towns (less than 100 thousand people) statistically higher evaluate perceived indicators of control (“overprotection”) by fathers. In families with a large number of children (3 or more) from cities with a high population (more than 500000), the indicators of perceived overprotection by the father are lower. Discussion and Conclusion. Results allow us to put forward an assumption that practices of adolescents’ behavior control by fathers differ (in the Russian Federation) in the context of locality (size of the population) in which the family lives. It is also worth noting that the acceptance of a teenager by parents is largely dependent on the psychological characteristics of interaction inside the family, while indicators of overprotection (and control practices) are significantly associated with environmental factors. The results are of interest in the context of family and youth policy agenda.
Год издания: 2020
Авторы: Артур А. Реан, I. A. Konovalov
Издательство: National Research Mordova State University; MRSU
Источник: Integration of Education
Ключевые слова: Sociopolitical Dynamics in Russia, Socioeconomic and Demographic Analysis, Psychology of Development and Education
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Страницы: 433–452