Аннотация:Purpose: to identify the state of regulatory certainty, goals and objectives, conditions and forms of effective implementation of the current certification of students in the conditions of digitalization of education. Research methodology: analysis, synthesis, description, deduction, generalization, questionnaires, statistical data processing, pedagogical experiment. Conclusions: one of the urgent tasks of legal pedagogy is to develop the concept of current certification of students in distance learning; regulatory regulation of the studied issue is fragmentary, superficial and formal; educational organizations should create appropriate methodological support for the implementation of current certification in online mode; when developing methodological literature, as well as when determining the most effective forms of current certification, it is necessary to take into account the opinion of teachers and students. Scientific and practical significance: the research results contribute to the doctrine of educational law in terms of the theory of current certification of students. They can be used by research and teaching staff in the process of organizing and implementing the current certification of bachelors and undergraduates, with its educational and methodological support.