Improving the economic and environmental characteristics of a microhybrid carстатья из журнала
Аннотация: The prospects of PHEV in modern conditions is shown. The disadvantages of such cars are noted: high cost and the significantly increased weight. To reduce the cost and weight of the hybrid car, a new algorithm for the operation of the engines of the power plant is proposed. In the proposed car, in order to minimize the power of the traction electric drive in hybrid mode, the ICE operating modes with low load but with high specific fuel consumption are replaced by electric drive. This is a slow movement in low gears, when both speed and acceleration are small, as well as uniform movement with a relatively low speed (50-60 km / h) on an asphalt road without a noticeable rise. Also idle mode of engine is excluded. The methodology for calculating the electric drive mode of a hybrid car with the proposed algorithm of the power plant is considered. The results of the calculation of the main characteristics of a hybrid car are presented and analyzed. The calculations performed show that uniform movement of a hybrid car in electric drive mode is possible up to a speed of 60 km/h. Starting from rest and accelerating is relatively slow and does not meet modern requirements for dynamics when a car is moving in a relatively free road environment. Therefore, acceleration on the internal combustion engine must be carried out to a speed of at least 30-50 km/h and then switched to a traction electric drive. At speeds above 30 - 50 km/h, the gear ratio from the electric motor shaft to the wheels becomes sufficient for the hybrid car not to fall out of the traffic stream. However, when moving in traffic jams, in the yards, in the warehouses or workshops, when high speeds and accelerations are not needed, driving on an electric drive becomes not only convenient for the driver, but also economical, since at such speeds the specific energy consumption will be small, unlike specific fuel consumption on internal combustion engines. In addition, there is no environmental pollution by exhaust gases, which is especially important when driving indoors. Experimental studies conducted on a rechargeable hybrid car based on a Lanos pickup car showed good accord between experimental and calculated results. The expediency and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is shown
Год издания: 2019
Издательство: Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
Источник: Automobile Transport
Ключевые слова: Transportation Systems and Logistics, Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Technologies, Electric Power Systems and Control
Открытый доступ: gold
Том: 0
Выпуск: 45
Страницы: 12–12