Аннотация:Imagine a college student taking a first-year writing course over the summer.The student is a senior, a single parent, and trying to graduate.It is the student's last required course for graduation.In the reflective letter accompanying the final portfolio, the student writes that she has taken the course four times and that she has had to repeatedly withdrawal because she feared failing.The student describes that fear has accompanied all her college-level writing because of high-stakes assessment practices.The student explains that upon entrance into the college, a timed-writing exam resulted in placement into a developmental writing class, a skills course not offered by the English department but by a remedial division.In that class, failure was commonplace and that sense of failure has followed her throughout her college-writing experiences.This imagined scenario is not that hard to believe for most writing teachers.But this story is not imagined; it is the story of one of Asao's former students.The student, Cynthia, was a bright and hard-working Asian student, an excellent reader and responder to her peers' drafts.We find it unjust that Cynthia, who described her writing experiences