Аннотация:It is hoped that this trial will inform the future development and provision of genetic screening services for women at risk of familial breast cancer in Wales.A randomised-controlled trial will compare a new clinic with specialist genetic assessment, in addition to standard provision with a standard NHS clinic, in terms of their respective psychosocial and economic costs and benefits.Women identified by DGH surgeons as being at risk will be offered the opportunity to join the trial (an estimated 500 women per year).Women who agree to participate will be randomly allocated to receive either standard NHS breast care (Control group), or standard NHS breast care plus individualised pedigree analysis, genetic risk estimation, and the possibility of presymptomatic testing (Trial group).Psychosocial outcomes for women in these two groups will be compared at several time points, using standardised questionnaire measures of psychological functioning, health beliefs and risk perceptions, and risk management behaviours.The economic assessment will compare the extra costs of the genetic service with the extra benefits to women.