A exclusão extrajudicial do acionistadissertation
Аннотация: The study refers to the admissibility of excluding shareholders during out-of-court procedure.This admissibility was not consider to the corporations, due to the institutional (and impersonal) nature attributed to this corporate type.During the twentieth century, studies that sought to directly address the mentioned admissibility were not relevant (to say non-existent).However, the edition of the Braziian Corporation Law and the freedom granted to market agents to negotiate a social agreement in companies whose circulation of shares is restricted has allowed a new discussion about the function of the contractual institute, as such the exclusion of the partner, in corporations.In this context, Brazilian doctrine and jurisprudence already admit, without further controversy, the judicial exclusion of the shareholder.But the possibility of extrajudicial exclusion still raises a number of debates.The most relevant of these concerns the applicability of art.1,085 of the CC/02 to the S/As organized as "personal companies".Regardless of the conclusion about this problem, this mentioned article established, for the positive Law, a minimum set of requirements that stipulated the validity and efficacy of the out-of-court measure: verification of a fairness cause, stipulation of an authorization clause (to the execution of the out-of-court exclusion) and effectiveness of the measure through approval at a meeting/assembly of partners.In the light of the briefly outlined above, this study will seek certian convergence about the subject.
Год издания: 2019
Авторы: Virgínia Tavares Ribeiro
Ключевые слова: Legal principles and applications, Brazilian Legal Issues, Law, Economics, and Judicial Systems
Другие ссылки: www.teses.usp.br (PDF)
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