Differential Expression of Fungal Genes Determines the Lifestyle of Plectosphaerella Strains During Arabidopsis thaliana Colonizationстатья из журнала
Аннотация: The fungal genus Plectosphaerella comprises species and strains with different lifestyles on plants, such as P. cucumerina, which has served as model for the characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana basal and nonhost resistance to necrotrophic fungi. We have sequenced, annotated, and compared the genomes and transcriptomes of three Plectosphaerella strains with different lifestyles on A. thaliana, namely, PcBMM, a natural pathogen of wild-type plants (Col-0), Pc2127, a nonpathogenic strain on Col-0 but pathogenic on the immunocompromised cyp79B2 cyp79B3 mutant, and P0831, which was isolated from a natural population of A. thaliana and is shown here to be nonpathogenic and to grow epiphytically on Col-0 and cyp79B2 cyp79B3 plants. The genomes of these Plectosphaerella strains are very similar and do not differ in the number of genes with pathogenesis-related functions, with the exception of secreted carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes), which are up to five times more abundant in the pathogenic strain PcBMM. Analysis of the fungal transcriptomes in inoculated Col-0 and cyp79B2 cyp79B3 plants at initial colonization stages confirm the key role of secreted CAZymes in the necrotrophic interaction, since PcBMM expresses more genes encoding secreted CAZymes than Pc2127 and P0831. We also show that P0831 epiphytic growth on A. thaliana involves the transcription of specific repertoires of fungal genes, which might be necessary for epiphytic growth adaptation. Overall, these results suggest that in-planta expression of specific sets of fungal genes at early stages of colonization determine the diverse lifestyles and pathogenicity of Plectosphaerella strains.
Год издания: 2020
Авторы: Antonio Muñoz‐Barrios, Sara Sopeña‐Torres, Brisa Ramos, Gemma López, Irene del Hierro, Sandra Díaz-González, Pablo González‐Melendi, Hugo Mélida, Vanessa Fernández-Calleja, Verónica Mixão, Marina Martín‐Dacal, Marina Marcet‐Houben, Toni Gabaldón, Soledad Sacristán, Antonio Molina
Издательство: American Phytopathological Society
Источник: Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
Ключевые слова: Plant Pathogens and Fungal Diseases, Plant-Microbe Interactions and Immunity, Mycorrhizal Fungi and Plant Interactions
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Том: 33
Выпуск: 11
Страницы: 1299–1314