Аннотация: The subject of the study is the issue of ensuring economic security. The purpose of the study is to study the evolutionary path of theoretical substantiation of the problem of ensuring economic security from the standpoint of security science. The article used the following methods of theoretical and empirical research: logical generalization - to substantiate the relevance of the topic, the goals and objectives of the study, to determine the essential features; analysis and synthesis - to describe the theories of economic security. At the present stage of the development of economic science, in the context of the growing tendencies of globalization of the world economy, the issue of ensuring economic security is becoming increasingly important, since Ukraine has not yet created a well thought-out, scientifically substantiated and effective system of economic security, which, on the one hand, would reflect national interests. in the economic sphere, and on the other - actually protected them from possible threats. However, this does not mean that there are no scientific and theoretical plans for the development of possible models of the economic security system. As we live today, our so many days are constantly crossed with security in one context or another. Given the current situation in the country, we are forced to turn our attention to security, taking into account all its manifestations: from the country to human security. In the field of security science, the following theories of economic security, such as: security science, the theory of ecosystems and ecosets, synergies and clusters are singled out. Theories of economic security have undergone a long evolutionary path that greatly affected their essence: from counteraction to supernatural forces and natural threats to integrated concepts of harmonization and consolidation of the efforts of the state and individual agents in ensuring sustainable economic development of economic entities. On the basis of systematization of theoretical and methodological ideas about the phenomenon and security issues and modern research on the theory of security, society's security is seen as a triad of political stability, economic prosperity and defense capability of a country to which a person and a social system aspire to self-preservation.
Год издания: 2017
Авторы: Ніна Аванесова
Издательство: Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics
Источник: Innovative technologies and scientific solutions for industries
Ключевые слова: Economic Issues in Ukraine, Business and Economic Development, Labor Market and Education
Открытый доступ: diamond
Том: 0
Выпуск: 2 (2)
Страницы: 100–108