A History of Formal Education in Nyeri County, Kenya 1920-1990, Kenyaстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Formal education in Kenya was introduced by the Christian missionaries from Europe who built the first schools in the country. Formal education which entailed primary, secondary and tertiary education which was offered in classrooms by trained instructors started about a hundred years ago in Nyeri County. Formal education in Nyeri has experienced transformation since its inception. This study focuses on the history of formal education in Nyeri County from the period 1920-1990. It focuses on the history of primary, secondary and tertiary education in Nyeri County. The study investigates how formal education emerged in Nyeri County between 1920 and 1945. It also analyses how it developed between 1946 and 1963; and between 1964 and 1990. The aspects of formal education in Nyeri County the study discusses include the curriculum followed, management of formal education, facilities available, examinations, African contribution in the development of formal education, school enrolment, teachers and challenges faced by formal education during the three periods. Special attention has been given to the Kagumo School because of its peculiarity as the first Government African School to offer higher education in Nyeri County. The study also gives attention to Indian and European education in Nyeri during the colonial period. The aim of this study was to add some new knowledge to the already existing knowledge about the history of formal education in Nyeri County. The objectives that guided the study were to examine the emergence of formal education in Nyeri County from 1920 to 1945; to examine the developments in formal education in Nyeri County from 1946 to 1963 and to investigate the changes in formal education in Nyeri County in the independence era, 1964 to 1990. The study employed the theory of social development as a guide. Being a qualitative research, the study used descriptive survey where guided interviews and observation were used to gather information from respondents. Secondary sources of information like books, journals, newspapers and others were used. Information from the internet was also sought. The Kenya National Archive in Nairobi was of much value to the study. The study used a sample population of fifty people of ages between 50 and 105. Data obtained was analyzed using thematic analysis in which related topics were categorized and explained. Historical criticism was applied and the data collected through oral interviews was corroborated with the existing written sources from the Kenya National Archives. Finally, conclusions were made.
Год издания: 2020
Источник: The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies
Ключевые слова: African history and culture studies
Открытый доступ: gold
Том: 8
Выпуск: 2