Fatores intrínsecos a poedeiras comerciais que afetam a qualidade físico-química dos ovosстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Brazil is the sixth country in egg production in the world scenario, with an approximate production of 48 billion eggs, moving an amount of R $ 13.5 billion, figures that represent the importance of the sector for domestic livestock. The main destination of Brazilian egg production is the domestic market, which holds 99.5% of production, with an estimated average consumption of 200 eggs per capita. Laying birds have evolved significantly in recent years, thanks to the genetic improvement that has provided more productive, long-lived and more health-resistant chickens. Besides the increase in productivity, there was an improvement in the animal as a whole, with greater rusticity, resistance to pathogens, adaptability to different types of climate and environment, better bark quality until the end of laying, persistence of peak production, greater efficiency. food and viability. But in order for this genetic potential to be fully utilized, it is vital that the birds are properly managed, and it is of fundamental importance that they have their proper nutritional plan, taking into account their age, light program, vaccine program, appropriate facilities. according to the production system, which offers the environmental conditions necessary for the comfort of birds, drinking water and quality, among others. And also take into account the care of the final product, periodic collection, selection and storage, as all this will reflect both the productive efficiency and the quality of the product produced. The aim of this bibliographic review was to address the main aspects related to the factors that affect egg quality.
Год издания: 2020
Авторы: Sarah Camargo, Helder Freitas de Oliveira, Deborah Pereira Carvalho, Marília Gomes Ismar, Pedro Leonardo de Paula Rezende, Cristielle Nunes Souto, Samuel L. Oliveira
Издательство: Editora MV Valero
Источник: PubVet
Ключевые слова: Agricultural and Food Sciences
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