Improved Energy Efficiency in the Aluminium Industry and its Supply Chainsкнига
Аннотация: Energy is an essential resource in the daily lives of humans.However, the extraction and use of energy has an impact on the environment.The industrial sector accounts for a large share of the global final energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.The largest source of industrial GHG emissions is energy use.The production and processing of aluminium is energy-and GHG-intensive, and uses significant amounts of fossil fuels and electricity.At the same time, the global demand for aluminium is predicted to rise significantly by the year 2050.Improved energy efficiency is one of the most important approaches for reducing industrial GHG emissions.Additionally, improved energy efficiency in industry is a competitive advantage for companies due to the cost reductions that energy efficiency improvements yield.The aim of this thesis was to study improved energy efficiency in the individual companies and the entire supply chains of the aluminium industry.This included studying energy efficiency measures, potentials for energy efficiency improvements and energy savings, and which factors inhibit or drive the work to improve energy efficiency.The aim and the research questions were answered by conducting a literature review, focus groups, questionnaires and calculations of effects on primary energy use, GHG emissions, and energy and CO2 costs.This thesis identified several energy efficiency measures that can be implemented by the individual companies in the aluminium industry and the aluminium casting foundries.The individual companies have large potentials for improving their energy efficiency.Energy efficiency measures within the electrolysis process have significant effects on primary energy use, GHG emissions, and energy and CO2 costs.This thesis showed that joint work between the companies in the supply chains of the aluminium industry is needed in order to achieve further energy efficiency improvements compared to the companies only working on their own.The joint work between the companies in the supply chain is needed to avoid sub-optimisation of the total energy use throughout the entire supply chain.Better communication and closer collaboration between all the companies in the supply chain are two of the most important aspects of the joint work to improve energy efficiency.An energy audit for the entire supply chain could be conducted as a first step in the joint work between the companies in the supply chains.Another important aspect is to increase the use of secondary aluminium or remelted material waste rather than primary aluminium. ACDAnode-cathode distance BAT Best available technique EC European
Год издания: 2020
Авторы: Joakim Haraldsson
Издательство: Linköping University Electronic Press
Источник: Linköping studies in science and technology. Dissertations
Ключевые слова: Recycling and Waste Management Techniques, Extraction and Separation Processes
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