The Great War in the Middle Eastкнига
Аннотация: This chapter examines the multiple reactions to the Ottoman jihad fatwa across the British Empire.It begins in Mecca, Islam's holiest city, where thousands of pilgrims gather every year, moves outwards across the Middle East, and then considers territories in Britain's empire that had substantial Muslim populations. 1 This geographical canvas demonstrates how the relationship between Islam and imperialism meant that the war in the Middle East had repercussions far beyond the contested boundaries of this region. 2This broad scope also serves to bring into view a rich kaleidoscope of Muslim perspectives from Africa and Asia.Islam and Islamic religious authority was not an abstract monolith; Islam was, and is, made a living faith by the actions of millions of individual Muslims.Much existing scholarship argues that the Ottoman jihad proclamation had little impact. 3Yet this conclusion of failure, as Eugene Rogan has pointed out, is often measured according to the aims of those behind the jihad proclamation, which was to incite diverse Muslim populations to rebellion against the Allied powers.This meant that cases of actual rebellion and mutiny, which kept Allied officials 'alert to the threat of jihad' throughout the war, have often been overlooked. 4 In fact, there were some areas where the call to jihad had a marked effect, most notably within the Ottoman Empire itself, among Ottoman soldiers as a tool for mobilisation, and the success of the proclamation among Shi'a Muslims in southern Iraq against the British. 5Hew Strachan has argued that, when reviewing the threat of jihad, it is too easy to criticise the British and French for 'taking too seriously a threat that never became substantial'. 6 Examining the reception of the jihad in the British empire, this chapter argues that in order to gain a greater understanding of the wide reach and relative failure of the jihad among 1 On the significance of Britain as a ruler of Muslim populations across Africa and Asia, see J. Slight,
Год издания: 2019
Ключевые слова: Jewish and Middle Eastern Studies, Middle East and Rwanda Conflicts
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