Аннотация:The article is devoted to the forms and methods of using Pliny the Elder's (c.23-79) Natural History as a source of some episodes described in the medieval chronicle Estoria de Espanna (EE), compiled in the vernacular (Castilian) language after 1270 at the court of Alfonso X the Wise, king of Castile and Leon (1252-1284).Manuscript materials of the period do not contain any direct evidence of Pliny's book being used in the royal scriptorium.Analysis of the EE text demonstrates that the allusions to the Natural History (Nat.Hist.) were not taken directly from its text.But the great prestige of Pliny's text in Castile and Leon of the 13 th century is obvious; it was one of the consequences of the "long 12 th century" culture.Vivid interest in the Natural History only grew in the next century.The manuscript tradition of the Nat.Hist.from the end of the 13 th century to the 14 th century (manuscripts BNE MSS /10042 (National Library of Spain), Ms. Q-I-4 and R-I-5 (Royal Library of El Escorial), manuscript catalogs of some medieval ecclesiastical and private libraries) demonstrates that the 14 th century opened a new period in history of the "Spanish" Pliny, which became an object of the great interest of the scholars.This interest appeared at a time when the Primitive Version of the EE was already finished.