“Smart City”: Standards, Problems, Development Prospectsстатья из журнала
Аннотация: This article discusses the basic interpretations of the concept of "smart city", describes the key international and national standards that are in force, describes the main problems of digitalization of urban economy in Russia. Forming standards of a "smart city" in Russia is important because such standards are a guideline in planning long-term and short-term measures to digitize the urban economy. Open and universal standards accelerate and reduce the cost of development in this area. However, to date, the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation (the Ministry of Construction of Russia) has developed basic and additional requirements for "smart cities". A comparative analysis of the international standards of the "smart city" with the requirements developed by the Ministry of Construction of Russia is presented. In some countries that are actively implementing programs for the development of "smart cities", local standards are localized, taking into account local specifics, international standards. Thus, for the implementation of smart cities development programs in the Republic of Korea (the "Smart Seoul" program), standards developed by the ISO/TC 268 technical committee were localized, including ISO 37120: 2014 "Sustainable community development – indicators of urban services and quality of life", and for the participating cities of the "One Hundred Smart Cities" program ("Smart Cities Mission") in India, it is recommended to follow the standards set by the British Standardization Institute (BSI) when implementing the program at all levels. The work used the development of the international organization for standardization (ISO), the British Institute of Standardization, regulatory documents prepared by the Ministry of Construction of Russia, and other studies relating to the development of "smart cities".
Год издания: 2019
Авторы: К. В. Макаренко, V.O. Loginovskaya
Источник: Bulletin of the South Ural State University Ser Computer Technologies Automatic Control & Radioelectronics
Ключевые слова: Smart Cities and Technologies, Legal and Policy Issues
Открытый доступ: gold
Том: 19
Выпуск: 3
Страницы: 165–171