Аннотация: This article belongs to research type as it presents outcomes of the research conducted by the authors and includes analysis of the data gathered during polls and interpretation of university management problems unveiled during the research. The article looks into the efficacy of attracting foreign students to the Russian universities. The problem is a practical one as it solves the tasks which is relevant to universities at present. During the research authors studied foreign students' opinion about level and quality of higher education in Russia. The main outcome of the research is the development of recommendations for university executives and local authorities concerning increase of the number of foreign students at the Russian universities. Practical part of the research included questionnaires for the foreign students from the following universities: HSE, HSE in Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow State Regional University, RANEPA, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod as well as Samara State Economic University. The poll covered 124 students. The main result of the research is the list of recommendations on increasing foreign students' number at Russian universities based on the experience of Russian and foreign universities as well as poll results. Analysis results demonstrated the following measures to be the most relevant: increasing the number of subjects taught in English; creation of joint project uniting Russian and foreign students to solve the problem of communication and interaction; increasing English language skills of teaching and academic staff; adding newest research publications in different topic areas in English to electronic base of Russian university libraries; providing introductory trips around Russia; providing comfortable separate rooms in the dormitory for foreign students: presence of information in English in the city; opening research centers and laboratories in different areas of science. As a suggestion for further research in this topic we can mention broadening the number of respondents which will allow for identifying additional aspects of teaching at Russian universities which require improvement for upgrading university reputation and increasing its attractiveness for foreign students. The article contains authors' research and recommendations based not only on existing foreign and Russian experience but also on primary data received from participants of the teaching process - foreign students. It must be mentioned that research does not include opinion of CIS students as most of them get benefits when coming to study in Russia. Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation is also interested in solving the problem of attracting foreign students into Russian universities therefore university executives are eager to improve university status at the international level and attract foreign students.
Год издания: 2018
Авторы: S. A. Pimonova, E. M. Fomina
Издательство: Ural Federal University
Источник: University Management Practice and Analysis
Ключевые слова: Educational Innovations and Challenges, Foreign Language Teaching Methods, Innovations in Education and Learning Technologies
Другие ссылки: University Management Practice and Analysis (HTML)
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics (HTML)
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics (HTML)
Открытый доступ: diamond
Том: 22
Выпуск: 4
Страницы: 97–109